Who is Power On Heels Fund Inc.?
Power On Heels Fund Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to addressing the challenges impacting women in today’s marketplace. We are focused on increasing the social and economic mobility of our community. Through our educational programs, we desire to empower women to shift their personal growth mindset, increase financial literacy, build sustainable businesses, while balancing self-care to achieve economic prosperity.
Our mission is to lead, encourage, and advocate for women by cultivating the next generation of leaders, business owners, and professionals. By embracing diverse perspectives in every session, we foster meaningful conversations and create a solution-driven, supportive environment where everyone can thrive.
Our purpose is to provide innovative learning experiences, resources and tools to enhance skillsets to accelerate career advancement, cultivate future leaders, and increase earning potential through our learning platform.
Core Values
Power On Heels Fund Inc. is dedicated to fostering understanding and belonging as a core values that empower people to become their own best advocates. Through financial mastery, seizing opportunities for success, and leveraging their strengths, we are having meaningful impact the communities and shape a brighter future for generations to come.
Influencing women of all ages
Women’s Empowerment Initiatives
‘Latinas face large wage gaps compared to white men in every single state. There are no signs that earnings differences are improving.
These gaps in earnings mount up year after year and mean Latinas have fewer resources to support themselves and their families, build wealth, or prepare for retirement.’
Institute for Women’s Policy Research, Sept 2023

Our Impact
By championing women’s professional and economic advancement, we empower them to boost their earning potential, accelerate career growth, and foster the next generation of leaders.
Discover firsthand from the team at Power On Heels Fund, Inc. why they are committed to raising awareness about leadership and financial empowerment and how they are actively creating opportunities for women across all ages, industries, and backgrounds.
Board Members